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My Scripts

This part of the site contains some scripts that you might find useful.

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friendlyurls (added 09/09/2002).
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Very simple utility script to help you put nice looking links on your site instead of long query strings.

bbtags (added 09/09/2002).
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This class makes it easy to convert [ ] tags to html like on phpBB and other bulletin boards in your own scripts.

dirsizer (added 08/09/2002).
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Little class that gets the number of files and sub-folders in any path, adds up the sizes of the files, and counts the total number of lines in any file.

calendar (added 14/05/2002).
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Very simple to use calendar class.

File downloads (added 14/05/2002).
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A short snippet for downloading files.

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©2002 Sam Yapp

What do you think of my resume wizard site? All nicely written in php :)