$_ERROR_REPORTING_LEVEL = E_ALL; // what errors to look out for. See www.php.net/error_reporting for more info
$_ERROR_FILE = ""; // write the error message at the end of this file
$_ERROR_MAILTO = ""; // email the error message to this email address
$_ERROR_DISPLAY = false; // display the error message in the script output
$_ERROR_LOG_MESSAGE = "%date: The following %error occurred at line %line in file %file:\n"; // logged error message
$_ERROR_LOG_MESSAGE .= "%msg\nThe IP address where this request came from was %ip\n";
$_ERROR_LOG_MESSAGE .= "The request method used was %method.\nThe querystring was %query.\n";
$_ERROR_EXIT_MESSAGE = "Sorry, an error occurred whilst processing you request.<br><br>"; // message to display to browser
$_ERROR_EXIT_MESSAGE .= "The webmaster has been notified.<br><br>Please try again later."; // when fatal error occurs
$_ERROR_WARNING_MESSAGE = $_ERROR_EXIT_MESSAGE; // message to display to browser when non-fatal error occurs
function errorhandler ($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {
$errs = array( E_ERROR => "Error", E_WARNING=>"Warning", E_PARSE => "Parse Error", E_NOTICE=>"Notice",
E_CORE_ERROR=>"Core Error", E_CORE_WARNING => "Core Warning", E_COMPILE_ERROR => "Compile Error",
E_COMPILE_WARNING => "Compile Warning",E_USER_ERROR=>"User Error",E_USER_WARNING=>"User Warning"
,E_USER_NOTICE=>"User Notice");
$search = array("%date", "%error", "%line", "%file", "%msg", "%ip", "%method", "%query");
$replace = array(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $errs[$errno], $errline, $errfile, $errstr, $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["REMOTE_ADDR"],
$errmsg = str_replace($search, $replace, $_ERROR_LOG_MESSAGE);
if( $_ERROR_FILE != "" ){ // log it to error file
error_log($errmsg, 3, $_ERROR_FILE);
if( $_ERROR_MAILTO != "" ){ // send an email with error message
error_log ($errmsg, 1, $_ERROR_MAILTO);
if( $_ERROR_DISPLAY == true ){ // display the error message
echo $errmsg;
if( in_array($errno,array(E_ERROR, E_CORE_ERROR, E_COMPILE_ERROR, E_USER_ERROR))){
if( $_EXIT_ON_ALL_ERRORS == true ) exit();